New Jewelry Option Found

I tried a new product from Rio Grande called imbedables (new to me) and really like it, so thought I would share. These are fusible bails! This was a test, so they are not perfect, but now I know what to do differently the next time around.

1 – I made cabochons in a mold, making them a bit on the thick side. (Some of them I used some old “pebbles” in the mold and added dichro). After taking out of the mold, I cleaned them up by grinding as needed and cleaning really well.

2 – using my ring saw I sliced into the tip of the glass, just deep enough for the full length of the bail. The square pieces I drilled with a dremel, but didn’t like the effort it took and the outcome – maybe a drill press would make it easier.

3 – Insert the bail using a dab of glue taking care to center and straighten the bail. Don’t do as I did and forget these are SILVER – which requires a dedicated shelf (oops).

4 – Fuse to close up the slice (or drilled hole) and fire polish. Next time I will go a few degrees hotter and hold a couple minutes longer as these didn’t quite fully close (close enough for a test). Maybe even add a few bits of frit on the sides of the cut.

5 – They will come out ugly, looking like a galvanized nail, but that is easily dealt with by 24 hours in a rock tumbler.

Authentication of Rainpebbles Glass works

With immediate effect, Rainpebbles Glass is now uniquely marking our finished glass objects. We are doing this via the application of a hand-written signature which is unobtrusive (it is only visible when the piece is viewed at an angle, it is essentially invisible when the object is viewed via direct light). The signature is sandwiched within the glass layers of the piece, so it cannot be removed or modified without severely vandalizing the piece.
Each piece is uniquely numbered via a year/month/number ID.
We are doing this to assure clients that every piece is indeed unique (we have no production line round the back stamping these things out) and to document this within the finished piece.